Tuesday, September 24, 2019


This is simplicity because of the background focus and shallow focus
this is rule of thirds 
emphasize height and distance

 brightness and sharpness because it has good light and it's focus 

Leading lines its simple but creates feelings

  Which picture is the best shot of this assignment? Why ? The brightness and sharpness is my best one

2. Which picture is the weakest shot of this assignment?  Why? I don't really have one I like all of them

3. How can the weakest image be improved on in future shoots?

4. Did you use Photoshop, Lightroom, or both?  What tools in the programs did you use to edit the pictures? yes i did 

5. Explain how were you able to meet the objectives (GOALS) of the assignment? **THE GOAL CHANGES EACH LESSON. **SEE THE EQ ON THE ASSIGNMENT AND ANSWER THAT FOR THIS QUESTION. 

6. What was easy about this assignment? Why? It is was pretty easy and very fun

7. What was difficult about this assignment? Why? Nothing was really hard bout this assignment 

8. If you could do this assignment again, what would you do differently? try different colors 

9. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being your best effort) how would you rate your effort in this project?  Why would you give yourself that rating?
a 10 I really this assignment


  1. ***Fix your labels and explanations. You should have one picture per point and explain why the picture meets that point. You need to show me you understand each concept. Redo and resubmit to raise your grade.

    A lot of you pictures have the focus in the center of the image. Try cropping the image to get rid of unnecessary space. Remember to AVOID Bulls-eye.

    All your images are in focus! Great job with that! Good clarity.

    Be careful not to over contrast or saturate your color. You can adjust for light by tapping your phone screen and moving your finger up and down to change the exposure. When editing you only want to adjust the levels slightly. Don't go too extreme or you lose detail.

    Your 2nd images is your best image. Great color/contrast and clarity. Treat all your pictures like this.

  2. i like the quality of every picture you took.

  3. i think for the picture in black in white would look better in normal filter instead of that filter
